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Fauna of the Little Liverpool Range


Koala - Phascolarctos cinereus

Powerful owl

Powerful owl - Ninox strenua

Brush-tailed rock-wallaby

Brush-tailed rock-wallaby - Petrogale penicillata

Green tree snake

Green tree snake - Dendrelaphis punctulata

Glossy black cockatoos

Glossy black cockatoos - Calyptorhynchus lathami

Eastern yellow robin

Eastern yellow robin - Eopsaltria australis

Common brushtail possum

Common brushtail possum - Trichosurus vulpecula

Brown tree snake

Brown tree snake - Boiga irregularis

Monitoring Methods

Scats surveys for brush-tailed rock-wallaby presence

Scats surveys for brush-tailed rock-wallaby presence

Audiomoths deployed

Audiomoths deployed

Infrared camera - whiptail wallaby

Infrared camera - whiptail wallaby

Infrared camera - koala

Infrared camera - koala

Infrared camera - red-necked wallaby

Infrared camera - red-necked wallaby

Incredible views from the Little Liverpool Range

Incredible Eucalypts of the LLR

Incredible Eucalypts of the LLR

View of Mt Walker

View of Mt Walker

An Xanthorrhoea found on LLR

An Xanthorrhoea found on LLR

An abundance of Eucalypts

An abundance of Eucalypts

500 Above lookout Old Hidden Vale Property

500 Above lookout Old Hidden Vale Property

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